The development of the N-20 Aiguillon fighter aircraft by F+W in Emmen was, in many respects, visionary and unique for its time. Based on extensive research in their own wind tunnel, slide rule calculations, and flight models, the aircraft was designed in detail. However, the question remained as to how much of this data could be transferred to the full-size aircraft. It was decided to build a 60% scale model of the Aiguillon and verify it through flight tests: the N-20.1. In addition, this was meant to serve as a morale booster for the workforce and, not least, to impress the decision-makers in Bern.

A first design featured an identical silhouette to the N-20 Aiguillon, with a tandem landing gear, an observer seat in the centre of the fuselage, ballast tanks, and a solid rocket at the rear.
Notably, the outer wing section had an asymmetric profile, which does not match that of the Aiguillon.

The fuselage was constructed using conventional methods, with wooden frames and stringers, and covered with plywood.
What stands out is the solid construction. In order to achieve valid aerodynamic results, the aircraft had to be built with a weight proportional to the N-20.

The wing was built as a single piece, with an exceptionally strong box structure between the two curved spars. The main landing gear consisted of a pair of gear legs and wheels from a Bf-109.
Like the N-20, the N-20.1 also had flaps (trim surfaces) and slats. These were operated via complicated cable systems running into the fuselage, as was the elevon control system.

The creation of the N-20.1 in film

After just 8 months of construction, the entire aircraft was tested in the wind tunnel.
Clearly visible is the exhaust of the integrated solid rocket at the rear. The very last section of the fuselage was not made of wood, but of steel sheet (!) and lined with asbestos.

The film footage of the entire N-20.1, with test pilot Läderach in the cockpit in the wind tunnel, is legendary. It was, in fact, an attempt to fly the aircraft within the wind tunel.

Film footage of the rollout in 1948 and the fearless ground tests with the rocket at the rear.
The first flight took place on 17 April 1948.
For the flight tests, the N-20.1 was towed by a C-3605 to an altitude of about 3000 meters above sea level. There, it was released, glided briefly, and then landed back at the starting point.

After just two months, an incident occurred on 26 June 1948.
The canopy detached during flight, and the landing took place short of the airfield. The aircraft was damaged, but test pilot Läderach only suffered a scratch on his head.
Fortunately, the damage to the fuselage was minor and could be repaired.

Further flight tests followed, with release altitudes reaching up to 6000m above sea level. The landing gear was retracted, allowing higher speeds to be achieved.
For certain flights, the canards were installed on the aircraft. However, the results were rather disappointing.

On 1 July 1949, another incident occurred. After an unstable approach, the N-20.1 struck the ground short of the runway and was destroyed. Fortunately, test pilot Mathez only sustained a few scrapes.
Total flight time up to this point: 30:18